I am available to lead workshops and over the years have too many to name here.  Currently I am interested in the following 5 areas and seek opportunities to give such workshops.

1. Canada Reads 2016:  Theme: Starting Over 


Finally the books and their defenders are announced.  They are listed below for the days set aside for discussion   Discussion groups will be available at my house at the following times. After the discussion there will be soup and bread.You are welcome to come to any or all of the discussions. I am also happy to have email or phone chats with you about the book if you cannot attend. Please let me know which sessions you plan to attend 24 hours ahead. The second group date has been changed. 

Live Group Sessions:   10:30a.m.-12-30 p.m. P.S.T.

1. Tuesday Feb 2.   Birdie  by Tracey Lindberg .  Presented by Bruce Poon Tip

2. Tuesday Feb 16. Bone and Bread  by Saleema Nawaz. Presented by Farah Mohamed

3. Tuesday Feb 23. The Hero's Walk by Anita Rau Badami. Presented by Vinay Virmani

4. Tuesday March 8. Minister Without Portfolio by Michael Winter. Presented by Adam "Edge" Copeland

5. Tuesday Mar 22. The Illegal by Lawrence Hill. Presented by Clara Hughes.

March 21-March 25, 2015 The debates happen on CBC and can be followed live or by podcast.

I hope you will join me in this endeavour. It will be my 14th year and I always find it rewarding and find myself reading books that stretch my choices and help me learn much that is new.

2. "Dreams and their Meanings" - Spring 2016

I bring to such a group,  years of teaching dream interpretation in seminary and years of working with individuals with their dreams. My orientation is largely Jungian but certainly includes the work of Gestalt and also of Ann Faraday and others.  If you are interested please be in touch   days and times and cost are a work in progress. 

3. "Evolutionary Spirituality"

Led by myself and a colleague this is a group that takes a serious look at the work of Ilia Delio, John Haught and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and other evolutionaries. 

4. "The Things We Handed Down"

I have a very large commitment to the importance family of origin. I gave this workshop recently in Vancouver and am willing to do it in your group context.  

"It was a delight to have Ann lead this engaging workshop.  Couples participated and learned much about their patterns of behaviour in a non-threatening environment.  Her own openness and humorous examples makes this happen.  It is a pleasure to recommend this workshop."

David Notte,
CEO, Wolfgang Commercial Painters
Former Learning Chair, The Entrepreneurs Organization.

4. "There will be no Creche for Christmas this Year"

A workshop that explores family of origin issues around Christmas rituals and more.  Recently given at Common Dreams in Australia 2013, and in Australia and at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga .